Humans are operating on two different timelines of reality

So, I made this tweet that said,

“if i said we are currently operating on two different timelines of reality and some are in one while others are in another and they’re trying to merge, would yall call me crazy or can i blame it on shrooms”

I’m here to explain. Hear me out because it’s about to get more woo woo than anyone has ever heard me be. That’s what philosophy is for though, right? Let’s discuss!

As an earth-based practitioner, I’m not one to dive too deep into different timelines of reality, dimensions, and other quantum physics. Previously, I tapped out when people started discussing the 7D. My work focuses so heavily on the 3D, the third dimension. However, every spiritual dimension informs this one.

Two things most spiritual practitioners know:

  1. Things occur in the spiritual and energetic realm first and then come down to Earth.

  2. Everything energetically brewing up there does not have to descend and materialize down here.

Some situations are spiritually quelled before they reach this earth such as destructive forces. Forces can be fed or worked around so they do not descend here to Earth. Similar to that, all energies that are “hidden” or not yet revealed, aren’t intended to be revealed. “The Spirit of Hiding” is something we discuss in my earth-based spirituality course. Some energies are designed to be kept quiet. Some aim to hide before being revealed and sometimes it is not up to us to bring forth those energies which may choose never to be revealed, rather transmuted, into another energy. But that’s a shroom topic for another day.

Likewise, there are moments, timing, and timelines within the spiritual realm. At times, healers can feel the spiritual realm moving very fast and descending quickly. There are times when forces and spirits are running around like agents of chaos. At other times, it seems like they’re slow or on hiatus like everybody took a break. The spiritual realm and earthen realm are not often operating on the same time. Think: dream time.

When we discuss time and timelines, it’s important to note that every path, every decision, every thought, and every reality can be a timeline. You forge new paths and visions daily. What determines if that timeline materializes depends on your actions and the path you take with what’s presented. This is why visionaries and disruptors are so important. With constant movement and shifting, it’s important to see what timelines exist and what can be born. If the visions don’t exist and we stick too firmly to the third-dimensional ways, structures, and man-made rules, enlightenment dissipates and people get stuck. Unfortunately, many people are stuck here.

There are individual timelines, but then there are also collective timelines. Collective timelines are more difficult to manage, especially when timelines which are trying to interweave themselves simple collide. It’s also difficult to manage when interwoven timelines, or even one timeline, splits and that separation widens over time.

There are many many timelines. This is a difficult concept to put into words, especially without visuals, so walk with me.

You could say there’s the traditionalists timeline, the status quo timeline, the visionaries timeline, and more. Those who walk the timeline of the past, some who walk the present, and those who walk the future. I’m just going to focus on two majorly clear ones.

Healers, intuitives, and spiritualists often walk between the present day, the 3D, and the spiritual. Some also walk in the present and the “future.” In this context, when I say the future, I refer to the spiritual happenings occurring “up there” before they descend. Intuitives are often the first to receive notice of this future, this vision, and this “other timeline” coming into our path and vision.

However, sometimes, the writing is simply on the wall and even historians could tell you what’s coming.

That is why the most important part is the awareness of everything, everywhere, all at once. When timelines split, collide, or attempt to merge without that human awareness of all that is, it causes great disruption, pushback, and chaos. We live in a world where everyone is not YET aware and some are not intended to be. I, personally, do not currently need to be aware of everything or take in too much energy. That is why I am an earth-based practitioner.

So, let’s talk about the two major timelines that I think many people are on.

The first timeline is for those who are firmly rooted in present-day structures. They stick closely to the status quo, uplift structures, firmly believe the system at hand in day-to-day life is the way it is, should be, and always will be. They live firmly in this realm. Whether by design, distraction, or disregard, this group seems to be living with a cloak, unaware of what’s coming and what’s needed. They are firmly rooted in the practical third dimension. Not much is shifting for them as they dance with what it is rather than what could possibly be.

The second timeline is aware of what’s to come and most people in this group are currently preparing in a variety of ways.

See the images below.

The above graphic is the current situation.

When overlapped, It looks like this.

There’s this overlap gap in the middle. That’s the point of reality overlap we are in. During this time, everyone meshes and mingles, until Timeline 1 dissolves. My main concern is that some in Timeline 1 will dissolve with Timeline 1 and not make it into 2, because they cannot see what is beyond the current day, are not preparing, and may not “mingle.” In other words, people will get left behind, some will be saved, and others will fly off, but everyone may not see the writing on the wall.

Keep in mind, I’m not a doomsday person. I’m quite optimistic, but the reality is that everyone can’t be saved whether its a Timeline 1 person who refuses to go or a Timeline 2 person who stays behind and ignores the calls(while knowing there are things worth focusing on in order to be well-taken care of in the future.)

Near the end of this first timeline, growing closer to the critical point, a lot of Timeline 2 people will aid in bringing people over. Some timeline 1 people will simply become aware or naturally have what’s needed to thrive later.

If you’ve gotten this far and it still seems puzzling, let me try to clarify.

I believe Timeline 1 is the status quo and the current way of doing things. Timeline 2 is a reality where the norm crumbles, where the systems hit a critical point, and collapse and all you have is the people within the system.

People are living in one reality, thinking that what is in this present day is sustainable, and then there are a range of people in another reality who know everything is crumbling. Some of these people see the destruction and even beyond, knowing what comes through and after. Some would say “the writing is on the wall.” The destruction comes through many avenues: socially, politically, financially, sickness and general disarray.

That brings me back to the healers, intuitive, historians, dreamers, and more. For healers specifically, there’s a certain calling that comes in advance. It’s a download that many healers in all spaces receive and it’s from the spiritual realm.

You sense it. You feel it. You talk to others about it. You begin to see waves of new healers popping up, new similar themes healers discuss, new movement. Each calling comes with quite specific directions.

A bit before January of this year, I began speaking to different healers and we each seem to be tracking a similar path, with a similar goal. Each conversation is, “do you feel that?” then discussing the callings we’re receiving to build and prepare to hold the collective.

The last calling was in 2018-2019, right before COVID and the pandemic. That calling heavily pushed spiritual and self-development. This one, based on my conversations, appears to be pushing for community. Community spaces, organizing, offerings, but in a TANGIBLE way. It has to be earthen, practical, rooted, and helping survival. It’s not just internal introspection. Now, it’s about intertwining your roots with another. A lot of healers are tasked with creating these spaces.

Community is so necessary over the next many years. One doesn’t have to be a spiritualist to know that, but the push is here. The wave? Not yet. The collective isn’t yet anxiously grabbing for community because it’s still devalued. There will come a moment when the collective anxiously grabs for community similar to when the collective anxiously grabbed for spirituality and healing in 2020.

It’s the community, the spaces you’re in, what you barter, exchange, the love, and the stability of each other that will save you and others in the future. Imagine yourself as a tree.

People are trees and trees can move. Their roots extend. Imagine your toes extending like roots until they intertwine with the roots of another tree. Funny imagery right? Imagine your fingers extending like branches until they rest on another tree. That’s how we move. That’s how we commune. Rooted within yourself (2020). Now grow and extend and intertwine.

Find your people. Know your people. Work on your community-building and organizing skills and relate to people. Intertwine with people authentically. Embrace the unique peculiarities, paths, ways of growing that each person takes because these differences are key. Everyone has something to stand on and offer for the betterment of all. When you connect, grow, and thrive, you create a beautiful, luscious forest.

There are numerous realities, many timelines, paths and possibilities, but we’re nearing the end of one. These radical shifts and events will continue to happen and that should be of no surprise.

Nature seeks balance. The earth-based philosophy I practice emphasizes balance as a foundational tenet.

So outside of timelines, if the powers that be are currently operating at level 100 while the collective dismally hovers at level 2 when the collective reaches -100, a very sudden event will occur. This opposition will create an external event, a seemingly rock bottom for the collective. At that point, everything snaps back to level 0.

Beyond that, then there are power dynamics and further battles, and instability because ya know, humans. If you can imagine a bar chart with each bar rising and falling suddenly, that’s what it looks like afterward. But that’s a topic and a visual for another day.

For now, when we think of the realities and the timelines that people are in…the timelines aiming to enter and merge that some people vehemently fight against… it makes you question.

All of this calls into question: when was the split?


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