Types of Spiritual Baths - Bitter & Sweet

Throughout my time in ATR/ADR practices, I've engaged with the teachings of various elders. Some conversations being one off in spiritual shops and other teachings arriving through Friday night classes, ceremony, readings, quick exchanges, and more. I've also practiced and experienced my own magical mixtures. In the beginning of my journey, I focused mainly on spiritual cleansing and bitter baths. However, a few years in I began incorporating sweet baths. That brings me here today!

What are spiritual baths?

Spiritual baths are one foundational proponent of spirituality that are openly discussed in the spiritual community. These baths fall under the spiritual hygiene category. They are intended to be done ritualistically and consistently as a way to maintain your spiritual protection and prosperity.

There are many types of spiritual baths. With the internet providing numerous spiritual bath rituals, ingredients and advice, It's important to know what you're working with.

In the spiritual world, there are bitter and sweet baths. Both set are used for different functions and at different times.

What is a bitter spiritual bath?

A bitter spiritual bath is one that includes bitter herbs. Bitter herbs are well, exactly that: Bitter. The flavor is often pungent making for a twinge and twist in facial expression. Bitter plants are less pleasurable than sweet ones. Some examples of bitter herbs are bitter leaf, dandelion, rue, and abre camino. Some would say rosemary, but it's certainly not as bitter as something like bitter leaf.

An elder from Isese, advises to ingest a little bit of bitter leaf in the mornings. Taking in something bitter in the morning allows for the sweetness of the day to come in.

Spiritually, the potency of each bitter herb ranges. When you connect with them, you'll notice that some are more powerful than others. In terms of herbs, bitters often help with digestion, gentle cleansing or detox, etc. This is interesting to note because it's a similar translation spiritually.

Bitter herbs are used spiritually to cleanse, rid of negative energy, entities, hexes, blockages and more. They are used for spiritual protection and cutting away from heaviness whether it's a person sending evil eye or the weight of depression. They ward off sickness, loss, litigation, fights and more. These baths are best done weekly.

What is a sweet spiritual bath?

Sweet spiritual baths incorporate sweet herbs to bring sweetness, prosperity, and goodness to your life. These baths may be for drawing in connection, self-love, lifting the mood, purifying and energizing the aura.

After clearing out energy, it's important to fill and replace what's been cleared. This also happens during cord cuttings (repairing cords, filling with beneficial cords, and good energy). Inviting healthy, loving energy into your space can uplift and move you towards desirable things. This is why we take sweet baths.

Sweet plants and herbs include roses, carnations, lavender, basil, raspberry leaf, hibiscus, cinnamon, and more.

Click here for a great example of a spiritual white bath!

These baths are typically taken a day or so after your final bitter spiritual bath. Similar to cleansing your space and then filling your space with prosperity afterwards, the same applies to spiritual baths.

To Conclude

The two different baths are equally important at different times. Start with a spiritual cleansing bath and follow up later with a sweet bath. Put together a schedule or a routine for your spiritual baths, and you'll maintain proper spiritual hygiene!

If you'd like to learn how to take spiritual baths, what products to use and various bath recipes, check out my Patreon post here.


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