Setting up an Ancestral Altar

Ancestral veneration is key in many practices. The ancestral altar is a place to venerate, connect with and honor your ancestors. An altar is important to have for the connection but also for protection. You’ve always had a connection with your ancestors and always will regardless of the altar, but the altar is a place for your ancestors to live and breathe life into you and your space.

I first learned about altars from Ehime, @ehimeora back in March/April 2020. They graciously introduced me to the world of ancestral veneration and IFA.

As I list various things, please know that you do not have to have all of these things. If you do not have the space or materials, that is okay. Your ancestors understand the position that you are in.

To begin, find a surface for your altar to reside on. Typically this is an elevated surface like a table, desk, or counter, but it doesn’t have to be. If you don’t have a place for it, it can go in a box, on the floor/ground, in your car, or maybe you have a small altar near the base of a tree outside. If you do not have the room for everything, that’s okay. If this is you, you can simply keep a cup of water, a candle, an incense, and crystals or fresh flowers near your bedside.

If you have room and a space to set up an entire altar, here is what you need:

-A surface

-All 4 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, & Water.


-Any trinkets or things your ancestors liked

-Protection (Machete & Mirror)


Optional: money (for prosperity/wealth), magnetic lodestones, feathers, anything you feel.. fits.

All 4 elements:


Use incense or some form of smoke to represent air. Air is a form of communication. Think Hermès, the messenger God or Gemini (an air sign) being ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Air flows. It brings new messages into your space. It also can cleanse and stimulate your space. Think tobacco or myrrh, tree resin, etc. Dragons blood is good as well. Use what your ancestors loved. After you use certain spiritual tools, try to figure out how they are working for you. How do you feel after using them? What events transpire after using them? Some incense can be too heavy. Some can be too light. Feel it out. You can also watch the smoke and how it dances or flows to understand what’s going on. Intuitively feel it.


Water is a direct line to spirit and communication with them. Keep A cup of fresh water on the altar. You can use whatever size you feel intuitively called to use. You can use one cup of water or you can use seven. Use your intuition. As long as you keep the water clean, the messages will remain clear.


Earth to keep you grounded and connected with all of life. Earth is what supports us. It is what grounds is. It is what sustains us. Earth is the center of our origin. And it is where we return upon death. Having earth on your altar is to take care of and support the ground which you walk. Earth can be crystals. Earth can be herbs. Earth can be flowers or plants. It is great to have plants or fresh flowers around your altar. Plants specifically are things that you actually have to take care of. It can help you recognize if you’re taking care of yourself as well as if you’re taking care of your ancestors. Things like plants also teach discipline and awareness.


Fire is the flame which ignites life. Fire is creation. Fire is life. Fire is passion. Fire cultivates and brings things into fruition. It brings warmth to your altar in. It’s like a light and direction.

Flames are also easy to watch. Watching how it moves will help you receive information and knowledge on what your ancestors are trying to tell you. Candles also melt a specific way so you can utilize that information to figure out what your ancestors are trying to tell you.

I keep nine candles on my altar, but you can use as many or as little as you want. Just make sure you have some white candles.


Having photos of your ancestors on your altar only enhances the relation that you have with them. It’s just a whole other vibe. The photos help you connect to them and really invites them into your home. It’s as if you are seeing them and feeling them every day. It truly feels as though they are speaking. if you do not have photos of them that is also okay. Ask your ancestors to bring you photos of them. Eventually you will get information and everything you need will come to you. See them and feel them.


Have a mirror and a machete on your altar so that anything that enemies try to send your way is bounced right back. The machete helps your ancestors fight off anything bad.

I also say to include fiery wall of protection, obsidian, tigers eye and the darker colored crystals for protection. You can also have singing bowls or bells to clear the energy on your altar. Do what you feel called to do. It may switch and change as time goes on.

In addition, keep your altar clean and consecrate (make sacred) the items on the altar. Clutter only invites less desirable energies. Keep the altar clean at the top of protection.

To consecrate the items on the altar, you can give them a spiritual bath or you can add fiery wall of protection oil to the items (few drops). you can also add salt to your altar or cascarilla. To are not required but it is an option.


Food and offerings uplift and give your ancestors the energy they need to vouch for you. If your ancestors have energy then you have energy.

Offer them food that they like. This can be food that you would typically eat. This can be food that your culture typically eats. You can also offer them snacks. My grandma really likes to snack so I give her snacks.

If you are craving some type of food you can offer that craving to them as well. If you ask them to show you what they like to eat, they will. You might receive it in a dream or in some other form. I’ve also noticed that if I give my ancestors food they don’t like, it tends to rot really fast.

When the food/offerings begin to go bad, you can throw them out of put them at the base of a tree.

Other offerings are liquor and tobacco. Cater to your ancestors needs. If they loved smoking tobacco, light one up. Definitely recommend liquor. That’s a treat. I also celebrate their birthdays and recognize the days they passed away. I’ll give them peach cobbler or their favorite meal and sing. I dance with them. I turn up with my ancestors. It’s truly a relationship.


Have fun with your ancestors! Turn up with them. Cry with them. Tell them everything. Allow them to support you. Call them into your space. Eat with them. Just have fun. As you sit with them and you listen, they will truly take you in as their child and it’s so beautiful.

I know a lot of people think there’s a lot of rules as well, but spirits are not like people. They can hear you no matter what language you speak. They aren’t going to judge you for your sexuality, gender or anything else. They are spirit. They transcend all material things. Remember that. Tailor your ancestral altar to you!

I hope this information was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions at all! Congratulations on your journey! 🕊


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